H2: 5-16 Headlines and Scottie Scheffler tees off just hours after his arre

- Scottie Scheffler tees off and his first shot is a little off, but he seems to be focused on the golf and not on the drama from this morning. How mentally strong does someone have to be to compartmentalize something like that?

Would other golfers use this morning’s issue to throw Scheffler off his game and rattle him a bit?

If he isn’t rattled by the incident itself, there’s no way other golfer’s trying to tease him about it would bother him, plus, with the severity of the actual accident that occurred, no one will be joking about it.

The PGA Championship confirms that the person who was killed this morning was a worker for one of their vendors.

:30- ABCs of the Mariners

- X: is for x-rays; they were negative for JP Crawford, but soreness kept him from joining the team in Baltimore. Could he make it to New York on Monday?

- Y: is for yearly; This Baltimore Orioles teams seems like they’re going to be good for a long time

- Z: is for zen- Chuck is still in a state of zen.

:45- The latest on Scottie Scheffler as he plays in round 2 of the PGA Championship.

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