H2: 5-15 Headlines and ICYMI Julio Rodriguez, ABCs of the Mariners and Reck

Headlines and ICYMI Julio Rodriguez

Julio joined Softy and Dick live from the ballpark yesterday afternoon, so we revisit some of their conversation.

ABCs of the Mariners

- T: is for 23- Julio reminded us he is just 23 a few times during his interview with Softy and Dick, but if we’re talking about him being mentioned with the all-time greats, those guys were already superstars at age 23, so it’s not too early to break out. Chuck hopes he’s not using it as an excuse or shield; he is expecting superstar numbers from J-Rod this year. Bucky says he still sees him making youthful mistakes and believes he does pay attention to what he hears. He wants to be the one to fix the offensive issues and it causes unnecessary pressure at times.

Reckless at Breakfast- it’s time for the WNBA to break away.

Chuck says they should start from scratch and either excel as women or don’t, but stop leaning on the NBA.

Prove that you can operate on another level and increase fan interest and then move on from the NBA, they’ve never been more popular than they are right now.

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