Over the last two days, The Chuck and Puck Show has decided on the ten best possible team names for the future Seattle NHL franchise. A team playing at the renovated Key Arena seems like a shoo-in now after Tim Leiweke reported that the NHL Seattle group received over 25,000 thousand ticket priority deposits yesterday including hitting their goal of 10,000 in the first 12 minutes. Here are the ten names our show decided on...
Seattle Wolves
Seattle Pilots
Seattle Northmen
Seattle Cascades
Seattle Mountaineers
Seattle Totems
Seattle Chinooks
Seattle Steelheads
Seattle Grizzlies
Seattle Kraken
Which are your favorites? Comment below or hit us up on Twitter, @ChuckAndPuckKJR. Meanwhile, the next debate has begun over what the best colors would be for the future Seattle franchise. Thursday morning, the NHL Seattle crew raised a red and black flag above the Space Needle, leading to speculation those would be the colors of the future franchise.
Chuck Powell, meanwhile, has another idea. Using the most recent old Seahawks logo (2002-2011), we see three colors used. Dark blue, ocean/grey blue, and green. The dark blue continued to be the primary color of the new Seahawks logo (2012-present), and the green became the primary color of Seattle Sounders FC. Chuck is proposing the future NHL franchise use the third color, which you can see below, as its primary color, while also using dark blue and green to accent the logo. What do you think? Let us know!